The Dramas of History
Primary History article

The Mantle of the Expert
Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated.
The Mantle of the Expert [MoE] dramatic system works quite simply whereby classes are first of all invited to imagine. Within this imagined world - the class view their world through the eyes of other people - and for a period of time - they wear a ‘mantle of expertise' associated with the point of view of these fictional people. In the world of the imagined-an enterprise or a company or a business is invented that holds the seeds to educational investigations. The MoE idea is to enable a longer term exploration of learning-rather than a short term dramatised event though this in no way detracts from the huge benefits of dramatising historic moments. It merely offers yet another choice to teachers in the quest to find effective learning across the curriculum a well as in the subject domains.
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