Life in lockdown
Primary History article

Providing high-quality remote learning
In this article on the impact of the Coronavirus, Matthew Flynn from Ryders Hayes in Walsall, a History Quality Mark school, has considered how history subject leaders can maintain the status of the subject when faced with remote learning.
Education has undergone many changes and uncertainty over the decades, but nothing like the past 12–15 months. However, despite the many challenges, schools have found new and innovative ways to continue to bring teaching and learning to the forefront. For subject leaders, school closures or even partial school closures have raised a few questions and some concerns about the impact of this on children’s progress in their subject. Remote learning is the new ‘buzz word’ in education and is likely to change the educational landscape forever. So, how do history leaders maintain the status of their subject and keep it at the front of children’s minds while continuing to develop their knowledge, skills and enthusiasm remotely? This article shares some examples of how we provided high quality teaching and learning at Ryders Hayes...
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