Primary news

  • Disability History Month

    News Item

    Physical, mental and neurological disability and differences have existed for as long as people have roamed the earth, with different cultures, groups and communities responding differently to how to support those individuals. How disability has been recognised and treated is not something that has always been recorded over human history,...

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  • Career opportunity: join our Primary History Editorial Board

    16th October 2023

    We are looking for 4 volunteers: 2 Editors 2 Associate Editors Contribute to the teaching profession Details are set out below in respect of a fantastic opportunity to contribute to the teaching profession by volunteering for the HA, while at the same time enhancing your own career development. You will...

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  • Historical anniversaries 2023-24

    3rd October 2023

    Some things are important every year; others only seem to hit our radar when it’s a significant anniversary – think Bonfire Night versus The Battle of Waterloo. That is why we refresh and update our anniversaries calendar every year. For what is left of 2023 we have the 75th anniversary...

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  • Which historical place or person from your local area deserves greater recognition?

    2nd October 2023

    Each year, the HA hosts and promotes Local History Month in May, which seems like a long way  off right now but we believe in planning ahead. We also believe that now is the time to celebrate some of the rich history and histories that are found in our local...

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  • Black History Month 2023

    21st September 2023

    October is Black History Month. At the HA we support Black History, diverse histories and the history of all marginalised, minority and discriminated groups all year round. After all, diverse history is all our history. To support those who are interested in using October as a way to focus on...

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  • HA News, Autumn 2023

    15th September 2023

    Welcome to this packed autumn edition of HA News, featuring a mixture of what we've been up to, what we're planning on doing and some history pieces just for you. Dr Gabrielle Storey explores the history and importance of medieval coronations, former HA President Dr Anne Curry writes about her experiences as an...

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  • Young Historian Awards 2023 – the winners

    8th September 2023

    Each year the Historical Association partners with The Spirit of Normandy Trust to recognise young historians who have shown excellent knowledge and demonstrated historical argument around a subject associated with a series of themes. The competition is divided into age brackets and the entry at secondary level is by essay,...

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  • 60th anniversary of Martin Luther King's ‘I have a dream’ speech

    5th September 2023

    At the end of last month (August) it was the 60th anniversary of the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr’s famous ‘I have a dream’ speech, made during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom held on 28 August 1963. The racism in the US at the time included segregation...

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  • Oppenheimer – a review

    1st August 2023

    It is a blockbuster summer and autumn for films as the big studios seem to be hitting back following the Covid slump. Even better, rather than it just being about comic-book superheroes and supervillains, this year some of the film studios have hit on historical topics to get the audiences...

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  • HA Awards Evening 2023 round-up

    14th July 2023

    It was a joy to bring together so many people to celebrate the study of history at our annual ‘Medlicotts’ awards evening on 12 July. Originally formed around awarding the Medlicott Medal for History to that year’s recipient it is now also an opportunity to celebrate all the awards, honours...

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