Sumer & Mesopotamia

Where is Sumer? Why is it important? The Ancient Sumerians are said to have founded the first urban civilisation in southern Mesopotamia (modern Iraq and Kuwait) and provide some of the earliest examples of writing and trade. In this section you will find podcasts, articles and resources to develop your knowledge of this ancient civilisation.

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  • The legacy of ancient Sumer


    Ancient Sumer was a fascinating civilisation that flourished at the same time as other key ancient civilisations. It is credited with having developed vital elements of technology such as the potter’s wheel, written language, complex mathematical concepts that are still used today and much else. This article focuses on the...

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  • Ancient Sumer: the cradle of civilisation


    In 1936 the next eagerly awaited Agatha Christie novel had just been published and readers were transported to a region that, from 1922 had been named Iraq, but through history had been part of Mesopotamia. The plot focuses on an archaeological dig that was taking place there, the victim is...

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  • ‘Miss, did the Romans build pyramids?’


    Miss, did the Romans build pyramids? No Johnny, I think you are confusing the Romans with the Egyptians. Actually, Miss, the Romans did build pyramids – well, at least one – and you can still see it in Rome today! The pyramid, which is 37 metres [or 125 Roman feet]...

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  • Scheme of Work: Comparing Ancient Civilisations


    What do all the Ancient Civilisations have in common? This enquiry provides an overview of the Ancient Civilisations of Egypt, Sumer, Indus Valley and Shang, showing where and when they developed, the similarities between them and how they relate to a broadly based chronological understanding of the past. It provides a...

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  • Scheme of Work: Ancient Sumer


    Ancient Sumer is often called 'the Cradle of Civilisation'. The Ancient Greeks called it Mesopotamia - the land between two rivers. It is where cities first developed, agriculture began and writing first appeared. One eminent historian records 39 'firsts' for Sumer! Most of this was lost until the 20th century,...

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  • So was everyone an ancient Egyptian?


    I will be honest – no child has actually asked me if the world was ever full of Ancient Egyptians! Having said that, by focusing on one part of the world, children are left with either this impression or the idea that nothing was happening elsewhere in the world. Clearly,...

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  • Ancient Sumer


    For many teachers and children alike, Ancient Sumer will be completely new. Although Sumer has always been an option for teaching about Early Civilisations, the fame of Ancient Egypt, as well as being a tried-and-tested topic, has meant that Sumer has perhaps been overlooked. There is little danger of failing...

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  • Teaching the Assyrians for KS2


    Assyria was one of the Great Powers of the Ancient World. (They have been called the 'Romans of the East'.) From the early ninth to the lat seventh century BC they played an important part in history. At the heigh of their power the Assyrians controlled a vast area from...

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  • Mesopotamia: Making a picture of Mesopotamia in our heads


    Working in a small rural primary school in North Gloucestershire I was inspired by national news reports from Iraq to change the focus of our Ancient History study from Ancient Egypt to Mesopotamia, ‘the land between the rivers'. A study of this region of the Middle East fulfilled so many...

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  • Diagrams in History


    One of the gifts of the social sciences to history is the use of expository diagrams; but attention is rarely given to the history of diagrams. Maps - schematized representations of locations in spatial relation to one another - can be dated back to Babylonia in the late third millennium...

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  • Sumerian history through story-telling and expressive movement


    The Sumerian mystery lesson is based on a story about what people found in one of the royal tombs of Ur dating from about 4000 years ago. (This was in ancient Mesopotamia, near what we now call the Persian Gulf.) (These resources are attached below) The story is full of...

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