Roman Britain
Roman Britain is a familiar topic on the primary curriculum and links chronologically to the Stone Age to Iron Age topic as well as the Saxons and Vikings. The focus is upon invasion, conquest, rebellion and Romanisation.
Trade – lifeblood of the empire: how trade affected life in Roman Britain
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Teaching ‘these islands’ from prehistoric times to 1066
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Developing a big picture of the Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings
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Teaching the Romans in Britain: a study focusing on Hadrian’s Wall
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Using apps in the history curriculum
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One of my favourite history places: Chichester's Roman walls
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Ordinary Roman life
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One of my favourite history places: Hadrian's Wall
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What confuses primary children in history...
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Pull-out Posters: Primary History 70
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The Roman Empire and its impact on Britain
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Using the back cover image: Reconstructing the Romans
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TREE-mendous history!
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Developing enjoyable historical investigations
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Place-names and the National Curriculum for History
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Pull-out Posters: Primary History 68
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Britain from the Iron Age to Robin Hood
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The world on the wall: exploring diversity on Hadrian's Wall
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Political literacy: citizenship through the English national curriculum's the Romans in Britain study unit
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Roman Britain
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