Local Study

The importance of local history for developing a sense of place and identity is emphasised by the National Curriculum. The local landscape and buildings can often reveal a great deal about the use of land and the type of people who lived there in the past. Buildings and landscape can reveal how long a heritage the place has had. Monuments and local heritage or parish records can highlight individual local heroes or provide a window into the lives of ordinary local people in times gone by. How similar or different were their lives? Often, the local picture can also help to reveal the national or international picture.

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  • Local Archaeology in the Classroom: Ebbsfleet Case Study

    Multipage Article

    The Ebbsfleet Valley in Kent, home of Ebbsfleet International station and the high speed rail link between London and Kent has a long history. The site is close to the old Roman road between Dover and London of Watling Street. It is close to the river mouth and once benefitted...

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  • Local Community and History Month 2024: Students’ local history stories

    Multipage Article

    One of the strengths of the HA is our broad interest in all areas of history. So many history themes and narratives focus on the big issues, but for many of us, history starts in the local. That is why we introduced Local History and Community Month for each May...

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  • Local History through Drama (Bursary Project)

    Multipage Article

    A Campaign Project For Primary Schools Focusing On The Women Chain Makers Strike Of 1910.  The Historical Association was left a legacy by Joan Lewin which became the Joan Lewin Education Bursary Fund. Each year, applicants apply for grants for education projects surrounding aspects of teaching and learning, resources, or...

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  • Local significant individuals

    Multipage Article

    The National Curriculum specifies a local study both at Key Stages 1 and 2. Basing your local study around an individual is a great way to bring the heritage of your locality to life. Many of these individuals are part of larger national events and changes and seeing these changes at...

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  • Time and Place; Using a Local Historical Site with Key Stage 2 and 3

    Multipage Article

    English Heritage and the Historical Association have teamed up to provide this great new CPD guide to getting the most out of local historical sites with your classes. This easy to follow unit provides the basis for an entire unit of local study using the built heritage around you. Examples...

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  • Using oral history in the classroom

    Multipage Article

    The Oral History Society has kindly agreed to produce two new films aimed at history teachers who are new to carrying out or using oral histories either in their teaching or with students. These two films will equip teachers with the essential tools and knowledge for using and devising effective...

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