Foundation Stage planning is a very different approach to Key Stage 1 or 2. Children in Nursery and Reception classes often have ‘continuous provision” - a variety of activities which children are free to move around among and choose for themselves. Sometimes activities will be provided where the teacher or classroom support works with all the children at different points during the week. Read more
- ‘Golden threads’ in primary history
- EYFS Medium Term Plan - Toys and Games
- How to incorporate EYFS as a subject leader
- Using stories to support history in the EYFS
- Pupil voice: Democratising history lessons in Key Stage 1
- Primary History Summer Resource 2019: Diversity
Cross Curricular
- The wheels (and horses…) on the bus
- How have schools interpreted the new EYFS Framework?
- Historical fiction: it’s all made up, isn’t it?
- Using role-play to develop young children’s understanding of the past
- It worked for me: Knights and castles
- How can we use significant anniversaries in our teaching?
Local History
- How local history can bridge the gap...
- Scheme of work: Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality
- What’s in a road? Local history at Early Years and Key Stage 1
- Scheme of work: Local history – the story of our High Street
- The Elizabeth cake
- Using role-play to develop young children’s understanding of the past
Chronological Understanding
- The revised EYFS Framework: exploring ‘Past and Present’
- Developing chronological understanding and language in the EYFS
- Using stories to support history in the EYFS
- How technology has changed our lives
- Learning about the past through a study of houses and homes
- Learning about the past through toys and games
Outside the classroom
- The wheels (and horses…) on the bus
- Primary History summer resource 2022: Museum visits
- How a history club can work for you and your pupils
- Scheme of work: Local history – the story of our High Street
- Emerging historians in the outdoors
- Castles: distinguishing fact and fiction in the early years curriculum
Developing enquiries
- HA Enquiry Toolkit
- Scheme of work: Significant historical events, people and places in their own locality
- Exploring the past through active enquiry
- How can we teach about medieval Britain in primary schools?
- Scheme of work: Local history – the story of our High Street
- Ideas for Assemblies: Refugee stories