Exemplars & Study Units

The Nuffield Primary History project developed a range of approaches and techniques for doing history with children, between and 1991 and 2009. The resources produced by the project are all real lessons which have been taught by real teachers. They include guidance on teaching and examples of children's work. Many of the lessons have been developed by teachers as part of their continuing professional development. A narrative style was used to describe the lesson and what happened. Read more

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  • ‘So why did they go into hiding?’ Anne Frank in her historical and social context


    All too often Anne Frank becomes a symbol, used to show ‘the triumph of hope over evil’, even though she was killed during the Holocaust. Sometimes she is quoted utterly out of context to provide uplifting sentiments, or short phrases with redemptive messages.  What this lesson sets out to do...

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  • Victorian Britain: short lessons and exemplars

    Multipage Article

    Please note: these resources pre-date the current National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. A series of lessons, exemplars and guides to help you teach your students about Victorian Britain.

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  • Teaching the Ancient Greeks: an introduction


    This resource is free to everyone. For access to hundreds of other high-quality resources by primary history experts along with free or discounted CPD and membership of a thriving community of teachers and subject leaders, join the Historical Association today Please note: this guide was written before the new National Curriculum...

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  • Teaching Romans, Anglo-Saxons, and Vikings in Britain


    This resource is free to everyone. For access to hundreds of other high-quality resources by primary history experts along with free or discounted CPD and membership of a thriving community of teachers and subject leaders, join the Historical Association today Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings ‘Romans, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings' is the...

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  • Romans, Anglo-Saxons, and Vikings

    Multipage Article

    Please note: these resources were produced as part of the Nuffield Primary History project (1991-2009) and pre-date the 2014 National Curriculum.  A series of lessons, exemplars and guides to help you teach your students about the Romans, the Anglo-Saxons and the Vikings.

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  • Outline plan using key questions: Vikings example


    Overall key question: Who were the Vikings? Lesson 1 Key question: What can a case study tell us about the Vikings? Content Building on prior knowledge - what the children knew and what they wanted to know.Digging up a burial mound on the Isle of Man, and discovering many aspects...

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  • Flight


    Please note: this resource pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated. Download the attached lessons below. Cross-curricular lessons in History, Science, and Design & Technology: the story of Icarus and his flight to the Sun (is this possible?), the story of the Montgolfier brothers and their...

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  • Questions and questioning exemplar: Roman Britain


    Using key questionsThe Romans in Britain was a lesson introducing Roman Britain to a Year 5 class.We started with the key question: 'What was Roman Britain like?' We had prepared group sets of pictures of aspects of Roman Britain. The images showed a range of scenes, e.g. cooking in a...

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  • Victorian Britain - Lessons


    Please note: these free resources pre-date the 2014 National Curriculum. You could start the Victorians with a story. See the Victorian chimney sweep short lesson exemplar and the Upstairs Downstairs story in the History section of the Urban Spaces material. Lessons and short lesson exemplars available on this site: Victorian Britain: short...

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  • Lessons with strong literacy links


    Please note: these resources pre-date the 2014 National Curriculum. All history lessons have literacy links. The following lessons on this website have particularly strong links with literacy and the Literacy Hour. Urban spaces near you - cross-curricular work history, literacy, art & design, and science The Aztec experience persuasion genre: producing...

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  • Drama: Ancient Egypt - Akhenaten


    This exemplar outlines a lesson John Fines taught to a class of Year 3 children. He was visiting them for the first time to do some drama work. The children already knew a great deal about the Ancient Egyptians and were also used to learning through drama. John writes:After a...

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  • Tudor World Lessons


    Please note: these resources pre-date the 2014 National Curriculum. Lessons available on this site. See also these short lesson exemplars: Finding out about Tudor life from topic books, Columbus a hero? (discussion and debate) and Columbus (story-telling). Lessons ReformationHow the Tudors came to PowerQueen Elizabeth ITudor Portraits: Who am I?Spanish...

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  • Finding out about the teacher: using objects exemplar:


    Please note: this lesson was produced as part of the Nuffield Primary History project (1991-2009) and pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum. Good for SeptemberThe children are in a mixed Year 1/2 class of 27. We did the activity in September because half the class were new and would know very little about...

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  • Romans, Anglo-Saxons, and Vikings Lessons


    Please note: these lessons were produced as part of the Nuffield Primary History project (1991-2009) and pre-date the 2014 National Curriculum. This resource is free to everyone. For access to hundreds of other high-quality resources by primary history experts along with free or discounted CPD and membership of a thriving community of teachers...

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  • Assessment exemplar: children questioning artefacts


    Questioning can be used in assessing childrens historical skills, as this example shows.The children were all in Year 4, and were withdrawn from their mixed Year 3/4 class for this lesson. They had covered several aspects of National Curriculum history, including over the past year the Egyptians and a local...

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  • Objects and visual image exemplar: toys and games


    This was a half-term cross-curricular topic with a mixed Year 1/2 class. It focused on forces in science, storytelling in English, and objects and pictures in history. The children in the class had a wide range of abilities, with a large number having very poor expressive language. Therefore many of...

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  • Using sites and the environment exemplar: a visit to Petworth House, Sussex


    A Year 5 class of 27 children were to visit the North Gallery at Petworth House in Sussex, where the 3rd Earl of Egremont kept his collection of sculptures and pictures. If the children were to learn I needed to give them a focus and a purpose.PreparationBeforehand, in the classroom,...

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  • Story-telling and simulation exemplar: The Great Exeter Fish War of 1309


    The lesson was taught to 44 Year 3 children in a first school in Exeter. It describes how a story was used to introduce a local history unit, and how we followed it up. To begin, we sat the children on the carpet and told them John Hooker's story about...

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  • Reading documents exemplar: Victorian school advertisement


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  • Using objects and writing KS1 exemplar: Old and new telephones


    Lynn Cowell's Year 2 class were doing a project on old and new telephones, with the primary aim of developing the children's skills in investigating objects. During the project, I visited the class once a week. Lynn and I began by showing the children four telephones: a candlestick phone, an...

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