HA News, Spring 2023
Welcome to the spring 2023 edition of HA News magazine

Your membership magazine
In this edition of HA News we're eagerly anticipating our upcoming Annual Conference in Harrogate this May. We've lined up some excellent speakers including Professor Dame Mary Beard and we have some unusual and engaging topics, including a General strand talk on 'Victorian Women Lion Tamers' which inspired the front cover of this HA News. We also feature an interview with Martin Spafford who will be delivering the next Dawson lecture at the conference.
Our feature article looks at the recent publication No Man's Lands: Eight extraordinary women in Balkan History. We explore some of the controversial aspects of the history along with these remarkable individuals and what motivated the authors to write about them.
We are delighted to formally announce Professor Diarmaid MacCulloch as this year’s Medlicott Medal awardee and caught up with him ahead of the awards evening this summer to chat about his career, background and the motivation to write his next book. We also have competition announcements and news from some of our Jubilee members, as well as our usual round-up of HA activities and education news.
We hope you will enjoy this edition. If you have any ideas for future HA activities or articles you would like to contribute to HA News, we'd love to hear from you on enquiries@history.org.uk.
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