A history of the world - 100 objects that tell a story
Primary History article

Please note: this article pre-dates the 2014 National Curriculum and some content may be outdated.
Editorial comment: A History of the World is the most creative, imaginative and dynamic development in primary History Education for thirty years. It ties in perfectly with and supports the government's re-vitalisation of primary education that the independent Cambridge Primary Review and the Rose Review of the Primary Curriculum should guarantee through striking off the post-1989 chains of educational dirigisme that have fettered primary schools and primary teachers, (see the last edition of Primary History, Issue 53, Autumn 2009).
P.G. Wodehouse described George MacDonald Fraser's act of creative genius - the Flashman novels - apparently drawn from the family papers of Flashman, the Tom Brown's Schooldays bully - as "now I understand what that ‘when a new planet swims into his ken' excitement is all about".
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