Effective Primary History Teaching, Challenges and Opportunities

Primary History article

By Andrew Wrenn, published 31st August 2006

“It’s like they’ve gone up a year!” This was the unprompted observation of a teaching assistant at Buckden Primary School last summer, supporting Giles Fullard, a secondary history teacher from Hinchingbrooke School, near Huntingdon leading a lesson with a year 6 class on “Was Boudicca Britain’s first hero?” The scheme of work on Boudicca was one of nine produced in collaboration between clusters of primary and secondary colleagues and since published at www.historytransition.org.uk along with resources, video clips of teaching and examples of pupil work. They were the product of the Historical Association’s Key Stage 2-3 History Transition Project, funded by the Innovation unit at the DfES and designed to promote best practice in year 6 History classrooms in the teaching of historical interpretations, the use of ICT and the application of literacy.

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