The Wolf Cub of Sparta

By J. Ryan (The Book Guild)

The Wolf Cub of Sparta

Review by Ali, Claremont High School, Harrow, Middlesex
This is my review on ‘The Wolf Cub of Sparta.’ The time in history this book was set in is interesting because I was reading another book based on Spartan/Roman history and I quite like Romans. I really enjoyed the character of Lycon because of how talented and skilled he is in terms of fighting and blacksmithing. I learnt that chariot racing was popular to watch and compete in. The story's plot was serious, which made the book slightly less enjoyable to read. I think what most stands out for me in this book is the way that Spartans lived. They ate, slept, fought, raced in chariots, hunted and more. This really interests me in the past because it's astounding to see how people in the past lived. In terms of whether I would recommend this book to another pupil, that depends on the types of books and genres said person likes. If they like serious but exciting books based on the past, this book would be perfect for them. I learnt that Spartans dressed simply, with very little clothing, many could swim and ride a horse, and some could read and write. The one thing I didn’t like about this book was the vocabulary being very ‘top tier’ and how the book dragged on. I knew a bit about Romans from work in year 7 and previous years but not so much about Spartans. This book has inspired me to continue reviewing and researching history and maybe try to write my own story about a particular time in history.

Review by Rosemarie & Arta, The Kingston Academy Surrey
We both liked Lycon the most as even though at first, we weren’t big fans it's nice to see his character growth throughout the book. After a hard past, it's interesting to see him face challenges and succeed

We both were unaware of Persia attempting to invade Greece and it was surprising but enjoyable to see the crossover. We both liked Lycon the most as even though at first, we weren’t big fans it's nice to see his character growth throughout the book. After a hard past, it's interesting to see him face challenges and succeed.

All characters were intriguing in their own way and first impressions were quickly proven wrong as all characters show development and reveal trauma.

We both were unaware of Persia attempting to invade Greece and it was surprising but enjoyable to see the crossover.

I really enjoyed all the mythology that was involved and cultures. It was interesting to see my country mentioned in a book in association to Greece.

I loved their friendship it was so refreshing to see how they persevered, and I really enjoyed all the mythology that was involved and cultures.

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