Was evacuation the adventure that some films suggest?
Learning objectives
To question films as a form of interpretation, thinking about them in terms of purpose and audience.
Possible teaching objectives
- If possible begin with a recap of the interview with the evacuee. If not then a general recap of varying experiences will suffice. This should lead onto a discussion of what it was like to be evacuated. List feelings that children would have felt. The pupils need to understand that although for some the experience was not wholly negative it was probably traumatic for all. They should be asked to imagine how they would feel if they were taken away from their parents and didn't know how long they would be gone. Then imagine if they had no mobile phones to contact their parents and they lived in the knowledge that hundreds were dying in the blitz.
- Show them the beginning of ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe' (BBC).
Ask "Does the programme match up to what we thought it was like? Did the children seem particularly nervous in the programme? How were they welcomed? Were they separated? Do pupils think this was accurate? This should lead onto a discussion about the purpose of the film. - Pupils produce a piece of extended writing on the central question "Was evacuation the adventure that some films suggest?" There is a writing frame to go with this listed in the resources column. Before they begin however it is important to establish what is meant by ‘adventure'. They should be encouraged to consider whether an adventure necessarily is a good thing. For some it will be difficult to apply this idea to the answer but it is a useful way to extend the thinking of the more able. The writing frame enables pupils to reflect on why the film has shown evacuation in this way and this is a central point in understanding this as an interpretation.
- Pupils peer and self assess their work.
Learning outcomes
- Reflect upon the evidence collected so far.
- Identify reasons why a film may show an ‘inaccurate' view of evacuation.
- Complete a piece of extended writing reflecting on one film.
- Peer and self assess their work and suggest improvements.
Attached files:
- evacuees_resource_5.pdf
15.4 KB PDF document - evacuees_pupil_work_1.pdf
1.07 MB PDF document