Film: A short history of Islamic thought

Virtual Branch Film
In his book of the same name, A short history of Islamic thought, Dr Fitzroy Morrissey provides a concise introduction to the origins and sources of Islamic thought, from its beginnings in the 7th century to the current moment.
In this talk he explores the major ideas and introduces the major figures - those who over the centuries have broached life's major questions, from the nature of God and the existence of free will to gender relations and the ordering of society, and in the process defined Islam. He draws on Arabic and Persian primary texts, as well as the latest scholarship.
Dr Fitzroy Morrissey is a historian of the Islamic world and a Fellow of All Souls College, Oxford, where he currently teaches on the Islamic Studies, Middle Eastern Studies and Theology courses. He works on the intellectual history of the Islamic world, focusing on Islamic mysticism, philosophy, and law in the later middle ages and the modern period.
This recording was taken on 19th April 2023.
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