Online course: Ofsted subject reports: supporting quality history and geography

Primary CPD in partnership with the Geographical Association

Thursday 28 November 2024

The Ofsted history and geography subject reports of 2023 highlighted several areas of strength and improvement in primary schools. However, it emphasised that pupils’ experience of both subjects and disciplines could differ significantly between schools.

We are pleased to offer another opportunity to attend this supportive, practical one-day course from the Geographical Association and Historical Association. It will support primary subject leaders in history and geography to review the quality of their curriculum and practice in light of the Ofsted subject reports.

Through this course, participants will develop:

  • Clear understanding of key takeaways and implications from the Ofsted reports for primary history and geography
  • A greater awareness of practical tools to embed this learning into participants’ own schools
  • Increased confidence to lead, plan, teach and assess quality history and geography



09.30–09.45: Welcome and introduction to the day

09.45–10.45: Session 1: Digesting the 2023 Ofsted subject reports: Key messages, commonalities and implications for primary history and geography (Karin Doull, Consultant and editor of Primary History journal and Jon Cannell, Geographical Association)

10.45–11.00: Comfort break

11.00–12.25: Session 2: Geography: From report to practice: Practical tools for actioning guidance from the Ofsted subject report (Anthony Barlow, University of Roehampton)

12.25–13.10: Lunch

13.10–14.35: Session 3: History: From report to practice: Practical tools for actioning guidance from the Ofsted subject report (Stuart Tiffany, Teacher and consultant)

In this session Stuart will be following: 
1. History has the word story in it for a reason 
2. Avoiding superficial studies on a curricular level and unit by unit level 
3. Enacting the discipline of history 
4. A case study focusing on how we may accomplish this 

14.35–14.45: Comfort break

14.45–15.30: Session 4: Implications for assessment for quality history and geography in light of the Ofsted subject reports (Chris Trevor, Consultant)

15.30–15.45: Final thoughts, next steps and close

Booking and costs

Price: £200 HA/GA members, £250 non-members

How to book: Booking for this course is online only via the GA website. Booking closes on 27 November.

Book Now

For any enquiries about this event, please contact All Historical Association events are subject to the HA CPD terms and conditions