Primary History 50
The primary education journal of the Historical Association

History Education in the 21st Century Curriculum
03 Editorial
05 In My View: History... about lives and living – Mick Waters (Read article)
07 In My View: primary history and the curriculum: a South African perspective – Gail Weldon (Read article)
08 In My View: history, values education & PSHE – Hilary Cooper (Read article)
09 In My View: history in primary schools – an Ofsted perspective – Michael Maddison HMI
10 Think Bubble: beware fish – Peter Vass
11 Teaching history to young children – Kieran Egan
14 Every child matters: addressing the needs of the child in learning about the past – Pat Hoodless
18 History and early years: a view from the classroom – Cathie McIlroy (Read article)
19 Primary history and the curriculum: The perspective of students of African-Caribbean origin and their mothers – Kay Traille
21 From Russia with love: a contemporary history curriculum for the 21st century – Jon Nichol
24 History in the Primary Curriculum: A summary of the HA Primary History Committee’s submission to the Rose Review – Rick Weights
26 Primary history through the secondary school lens – Richard Harris (Read article)
27 History and geography are fundamental in the primary curriculum – Rachel Bowles
29 Integrated History and Humanities Curriculum: The Geographical and Historical Associations’ joint response to the Rose Review – The Geographical And Historical Associations
31 Case Study 1: here come the Vikings! making a saga out of a crisis – Alison Gove-Humphries, Paul Bracey and Darius Jackson (Read article)
35 Case Study 2: the creative history curriculum – Sarah Taylor and Hilary Pegum (Read article)
39 Case Study 3: The Leeds Community History Project – Jacqui Dean (Read article)
43 Planning for the future: Primary history teacher education in the 21st century – Penelope Harnett
45 History Coordinators’ Dilemmas – Tim Lomas
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