Primary History 49: Visual Literacy
The primary education journal of the Historical Association

Learning through pictures and images
04 Editorial
07 In my view: History and illustration – Quentin Blake (Read article)
08 In my view: Using pictures – John Fines (Read article)
10 History Coordinators’ Dilemmas: Pedagogy and the Visual Image – Tim Lomas
12 Think Bubble: Frozen moments – Peter Vass (Read article)
13 Using feature films as a means of enhancing history teaching in the primary school – Bob Burden (Read article)
14 Using the visual image in primary schools: a beginner’s guide – Alan Hodkinson (Read article)
16 Teaching history through photographs in the internet and digital age – Mary Mills (Read article)
18 Justifying the links: Art and History – Sue Temple (Read article)
22 The power of the visual image in learning: The Nuffield Primary History approach – Jacqui Dean
24 Case Study 1: Pictorial Recording – Jacqui Dean (Read article)
25 Case Study 2: Investigating A Picture In KS1 – Jacqui Dean (Read article)
26 Case Study 3: Every picture tells a story: Sage comme une image (As wise as a picture) – Hilary Cooper (Read article)
30 Case Study 4: Did they always draw things on the pots which they made? Children’s questions about historical pictures – Penelope Harnett (Read article)
32 What are the reasons for linking art and history? – Hilary Cooper (Read article)
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