Balderstone St Leonard’s CE Primary School

See also Kate Turner's Primary History article: 'Balderstone St Leonard’s CE Primary School: our journey to the Quality Mark Gold Award'


Balderstone St Leonard’s CE primary is a small local authority school set at the edge of the Ribble Valley and Blackburn. It is a diverse and vibrant community with 101 children and 14 staff in the school team. The school is organised into 4 mixed-age classes. The school is unusual in that it has a very diverse and mixed school community with 71% Asian heritage children from the outskirts of Blackburn. There are 11% SEND and 61% EAL in the school population.
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Section 1: Teaching, Learning and Achievement

This quality is concerned with ensuring effective learning through appropriate and motivating teaching that engages all pupils consistently throughout the school and enables them to achieve.

From HA Quality Mark assessor Sue Temple's report:

I had discussions with the History Heroes as soon as I arrived. These children were passionate and enthusiastic about History in their school. This group of pupils had raised half of the cost of the Quality Mark assessment, through making loom bracelets and other similar activities. The children in this group were a mix of pupils who had been nominated and pupils who had applied by letter to become part of this group. The children in this group are all in Key Stage 2.
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Section 2: Leadership

This quality is concerned with ensuring that systems and structures are in place and used effectively to ensure that history enjoys a high status, reputation and profile in the school and beyond.

History is seen as a prestigious subject throughout the school and among pupils, staff, parents and governors. The Link Governor for History is very involved. She visited the school earlier this academic year and produced a comprehensive report and was not afraid to identify issues. One issue which was discovered during this visit, the Year1/2 children being unsure of parliament following their Gunpowder Plot lessons, was subsequently addressed. There is a good time allocation of at least an hour a week.
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Section 3: Curriculum

This quality is concerned with the coherence, logic and appropriateness of the curriculum in the context of the school

The curriculum is well-designed, coherent and progressive across the school. It has an explicit focus to the statutory requirements and there is a good, balanced coverage between local, national and global history. For example, in Key Stage 1 the children study units on Guy Fawkes, Farming, Explorers and their Victorian school building, whilst Key Stage 2 explore Stone Age to Iron Age building on the children’s understanding of farming.
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Section 4: Enrichment

This quality is concerned with ensuring pupils have access to history beyond the taught curriculum and that the history that is taught in the curriculum is supported, enriched and deepened by involvement in projects, visits and gaining from the expertise of others

Enrichment could also apply to school staff and how their understanding is enriched through CPD and networks that share practice.

At Balderstone St Leonard's, links are made to other subjects where appropriate, for example for a Storytelling competition a story based on Samlesbury Hall was created and the children performed this for the parents at the site. IT is used confidently throughout the school as an alternative way of capturing children’s knowledge and understanding, for example the video clips also added to school web site. In Art the children learned about Paul Nash, the war artist and visited an exhibition of his work at Blackburn Museum, Egyptian Dance was incorporated into that unit and fiction is used to support all units.
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