
How people group together, organise their rules and systems are all part of what create a society. In this section articles examine the nature of society how it interacts with other themes of culture, power, etc. and how societies have developed and changed over time. The structures of the ancient world are explored as are the complex feudal systems and the varied societies of Empire and modernity.

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  • The British Muslim Community


    In this podcast Dr Sophie Gilliat-Ray of Cardiff University looks at the growth and development of the British Muslim Community.

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  • The Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament


    In this podcast Kate Hudson, the General Secretary of CND, looks at the history of CND in the 20th and 21st Century.

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  • The Catholic British Community 1800-present.


    In this podcast Michael Hodgetts examines the development of the British Catholic Community from 1800 to the present day.

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  • The Celts


    In this podcast Professor Richard Bradley of the University of Reading looks at the Celts in Britain & Ireland.

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  • The Historical Medicalization of Homosexuality & Transvestism


    In this podcast, Dr Tommy Dickinson of the University of Manchester, looks at the historical medicalization of homosexuality and transvestism.

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  • The Huguenots in Britain & Ireland


    In this podcast Dr Kathy Chater looks at the history of the British Huguenot community and the largest mass migration in European history until the 20th Century.

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  • The Industrial Revolution & the Town


    In this podcast Professor Roey Sweet of the University of Leicester discusses the impact the Industrial Revolution had on towns and cities in Britain in the 18th century.

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  • The Irish Famine


    In this podcast Professor Peter Gray examines the impact and significance of the Irish Famine and looks at why it was so devastating.

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  • The Legacy of Chartism


    In this podcast Professor Penelope Corfield looks at the legacy of the Chartist Movement, links to later political movements and discusses what the fate of the Chartist Movement can tell us about the difficulties in organising sustained protests and campaigning from outside the political system.

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  • The Levellers


    In this podcast Professor Michael Braddick discusses how radical the political objectives of some of the negotiators were.

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  • The Life & Significance of Alan Turing


    In this podcast, Dr Tommy Dickinson of the University of Manchester, discusses the life and significance of Alan Turing.

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  • The Northern Irish Troubles and the Good Friday Agreement


    In this podcast Dr Stuart Aveyard looks at how 'the Troubles' developed over the 1970s, 80s and 90s and discusses the key factors that led to the Good Friday Agreement of 1998.

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  • The Origins of the LGBTQ+ Movement in the US


    In this podcast from 2017, Joshua Hollands of University College London discusses the early LGBTQ+ civil rights movement in the United States from the end of the Second World War, through the Stonewall Riots to political mobilisation and Pride events. In the postwar era, gay men and women were still legally discriminated...

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  • The Peasants’ (Great) Revolt


    In this series of videos, produced by Royal Holloway, University of London, staff and students explore the Great Revolt of 1381, better known as the Peasants’ Revolt, through a combination of animations, dramatised primary sources, and short presenter-led videos. This includes videos looking at the causes of the revolt, its...

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  • The Road to the First English Civil War


    In this podcast Professor Jackie Eales of Canterbury Christchurch University and former President of the Historical Association looks at the road to the First Civil War.

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  • The Scottish Islands in the Medieval Period


    In this short podcast Dr Alex Woolf looks at the slow Gaelicisation of the Scottish islands over the medieval period.

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  • The Suffragette Movement


    Professor June Hannam of the University of the West of England looks at the key forces that led to women acheiving the vote in the early 20th century.

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  • The Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade


    In this podcast Professor Gad Heuman of the University of Warwick examines the origins of the Trans-Atlantic slave trade, the triangular trade, race, slave society and the changing interpretations of the abolition of the slave trade. (See also podcast The business of slavery: Economic history in the classroom from the HA's Britain and...

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  • The US LGBTQ+ Movement from the 1990s


    In this podcast Joshua Hollands of University College London looks at the history of the US LGBTQ+ movement from the early 1990s to the present.

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  • The Welsh Marches


    The terms "Welsh March" and "the March of Wales" (in Medieval Latin Marchia Walliae) were originally used in the Middle Ages to denote the territory/marches between England and the Principality of Wales, in which Marcher lords had specific rights, exercised to some extent independently of the king of England. In...

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