Britain and the Slave Trade in the 18th Century
Britain's role in the Slave Trade

How did slavery effect social and cultural life?
In this podcast Dr Nicholas Draper of University College London discusses the Britain's involvement with the slave trade in the 18th century.
This podcast was funded by the Age of Revolution education legacy project and recorded with the help of Dominic Gibson, Student Ambassador at the University of Kent.
1. Introduction to Britain and the Slave Trade in the 18th Century
2. What role did slavery play in late 18th century Britain?
3. What brought slavery back onto the political agenda?
4. Was there push back to major reform in the colonies?
5. How did slavery effect the economic growth of Britain?
6. What new methods are historians using to look at the slave trade?
7. How did slavery influence social and cultural life during the period?
8. Where can you look for more information?
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