Anglo-Saxons and Normans
Video podcast series by History Hub, Royal Holloway, University of London
Published: 10th July 2020

Anglo-Saxons and Normans
In this series of videos, produced by Royal Holloway, University of London, students and staff explore Anglo-Saxon and Norman England, exploring the Anglo-Saxon Witan and Moots, how law and order was maintained and the Norman conquest, including a multi-chronicler account of the Battle of Hastings. Other videos examine how William and his rule was characterised by the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle; how the conquest was made permanent, including videos looking specifically at castle-building and church reforms; and resistance to Norman rule. Note: click the icon in the top right corner to see the complete playlist.
See more videos in the History Hub series:
- Anglo-Saxons and Normans
- King John and Magna Carta
- Henry III, Simon de Montfort and the origins of parliament
- The Peasants' Great Revolt
- Tudor Rebellions
- The English Civil War
- Britain in the Age of Revolutions
- Radical protest in the 19th century
- Peterloo
- The abolition of slavery
- Chartism and the Anti-Corn Law League
- Reforming parliament
- 19th-century social reform
- Workers' rights and trade unions
- Votes for women