2020 Membership Survey: Results and Actions

Our promise to you

Published: 28th February 2023

Talking and listening to members is central to what we do. In the summer of 2020 we conducted our largest membership survey of the decade, and invited you to tell us more about your membership experiences, what you value most, and what we can do to improve. Thank you to all who responded to the survey and shared their thoughts, which have directly influenced HA membership over the intervening months and years.

Next Steps

In summer 2023 we will be launching a new membership survey, and we want to hear from you. Your voice matters. Keep an eye out for your survey link by email and in the journals over June and July.

In the meantime, we also invite you to register for our dedicated ‘member feedback panel’ for more focused and in-depth research, and to act as a soundboard for future pieces of work. Find out more and register.

Thank you again for your valuable support, and if you'd like to make further comments or suggestions, please don't hesitate to contact us on membership@history.org.uk

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