Heritage, Museum and Gallery Education
Reading List
Heritage, Museum and Gallery Education reading list provided by Newcastle University
Essential Reading
Anderson, David,
A common wealth : museums and learning in the United Kingdom
Department of National Heritage, 1997
Cracknell, S. & Corbishley, M.,
Presenting Archaeology to Young People
Council for British Archaeology, 1986.
Henson, Donald,
Archaeology in the English national curriculum
Council for British Archaeology, 1997
Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean,
The educational role of the museum, 2nd Edition
Routledge, 1999
Hooper-Greenhill, Eilean,
Museum and gallery education
Leicester University Press, 1991
Jameson, John H,
Presenting archaeology to the public : digging for truths
AltaMira Press, 1997
Moffat, Hazel, Woollard, Vicky,
Museum and gallery education : a manual of good practice
Altamira Press, 2004
Stone, Peter G., Molyneaux, Brian,
The presented past : heritage, museums, and education
Routledge, 1994
Stone, Peter G., Planel, Philippe,
The constructed past : experimental archaeology, education, and the public
Routledge, 1999.
Stone, Peter G., MacKenzie, Robert,
The Excluded past : archaeology in education
Routledge, 1994