Join The Historian editorial board
Contribute to one of our flagship journals

Have you wondered who puts The Historian together? Who commissions the articles and comes up with ideas for themes? As with all HA publications, The Historian, is edited by our members and has a small board of volunteers who discuss possible themes, commission articles, review and commission for regular features and read and respond to articles submitted by members.
Recently, two regular editors decided it was time to retire so we have at least two and very possibly more openings on the board. Currently there are 4 regular volunteer editors and we are looking to have a total of 8 in time to spread the work.
If you’d like to have a more active role within the HA and think joining The Historian editorial board is right for you, please email: with a brief CV, no more than 500 words outlining how you might want to see the magazine develop and a short History Abridged (condensing a person, event or period into no more than 600 words).
Experience of publishing, journalism or editing would be helpful but an interest in and an enjoyment of history is vital. We would like to encourage a range of HA members to get involved, from those in academic institutions or schools, those in museums and the heritage sector to those who love history but do not necessarily work in historical fields. Applicants must be members of the Association either as an individual or through an organisational membership.
Closing date for round one: Saturday 31 October 2020
The Historian
The magazine is published quarterly and aims to publish a mix of commissioned articles by public historians, academic historians and freelance historians and encourages submissions from anyone with an interest in history and a desire to communicate to other history enthusiasts. The Historian has a number of often loosely themed issues during the year and also publishes a number of regular features. We encourage submissions for regular features, themed editions and for ad hoc articles the editorial board feel will be of interest to a broad audience. We do not pay fees for articles; all our contributions and all our editorial support is purely voluntary to support the HA’s membership which is our main income as a charity. We are not supported by any core statutory bodies.
- Each edition of the magazine will have one lead editor who takes final responsibility including signing off before the edition goes to print, writing and approving the editorial, ensuring all articles are correctly attributed and all introductory paragraphs have been supplied.
- Each edition will have a second editor to support the lead editor.
- Other members of the board will support the editions through suggesting contributors and making initial contact in many instances. The lead editor and second editor for each edition will be responsible for chasing copy and keeping to deadlines.
- Other members of the editorial group will agree to read articles for approval before acceptance.
- Members of the board will support editions with suggestions for regular features.
- Members take it in turn to act as Duty or Corresponding Editor for a period of 3 months to read and respond to non-commissioned articles