History news

  • Holocaust Memorial Day 2022

    4th January 2022

    The events of the Holocaust and the other genocides of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries can seem overwhelming and too much to take on board. That is one of the reasons why each year’s Holocaust Memorial Day (HMD) has a specific theme. For 2022 the theme is ‘One Day’, a...

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  • Virtual Branch Film: The Quest for the Lost of the First World War

    29th November 2021

    Historian Robert Sackville-West joined the HA Virtual Branch in November 2021 to talk about the topic of his book The Searchers: The Quest for the Lost of the First World War. By the end of the First World War, the whereabouts of more than half a million British soldiers were unknown. Most were presumed...

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  • The Historian 151: Out now


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  • HA awards evening 2021 round-up

    1st October 2021

    Finally it happened – the HA annual (usually) awards evening, known to many as ‘the Medlicott evening’. Normally held in summer, the event is an opportunity to recognise some of the incredible contributions that people make to the continuation of history for all in this country, as historians, writers, educators...

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  • HA News, Autumn 2021

    8th September 2021

    In the autumn 2021 edition of HA News we have a number of articles looking at aspects of membership, including a history of HA membership (it's all gone a bit meta!), but we also have some stories that will appeal to all. There's a short history of Berlin to tie in...

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  • 20th anniversary of 9/11 – a personal reflection

    1st September 2021

    I remember exactly where I was and what I was doing as the news began to reach me about there being a terrorist attack in the United States. It didn’t seem real and if I hadn’t been working in Westminster where these things are taken very seriously, I might not...

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  • The Historian 150: Out now


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  • HA Conference 2021 round-up

    1st July 2021

    So, we didn’t all get to pack into a room together and chat loudly and sort through our new canvas HA bag this year, but we did still have a conference. A second year done using digital technology rather than meeting up face-to-face – and a second success. We built...

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  • Virtual Branch Recording: Marc Morris on The Anglo-Saxons

    30th June 2021

    In this Virtual Branch talk best-selling author and renowned historian Marc Morris joined us to discuss the process of researching for, structuring and writing his new book The Anglo-Saxons: a history of the beginnings of England.  Drawing on a vast range of original evidence - chronicles, letters, archaeology and artefacts - Morris's...

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  • The Historian 149: Out now


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