History news

  • Films: Joseph Stalin – Interpretations

    27th March 2024

    In our new film series running over the course of 2024, some of the leading historians working on Russia have contributed their expertise to build a clear understanding of the leaders of modern Russia and how they have shaped their country and the rest of the world through it. Each of the experts...

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  • The Historian 160: Out now!


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  • Film series: Power and authority in Russia and the Soviet Union

    23rd January 2024

    We are delighted to launch a new film series examining leadership in Russia and the USSR over the course of the twentieth century. Russia and its history often fascinates the rest of us in Europe as well as horrifying us. She has been our friend and ally, and our physical and...

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  • Recorded webinar series: Commemorating the 75th anniversary of the UN Convention on Genocide

    Multipage Article

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  • New Podcast Series: The Ancient Near East

    18th January 2024

    It is hard to underestimate the impact that the ancient Near East has had on the history of the world, and the lasting hold it has had on our imaginations. From the birth of the written word, the wheel and the first city-states to the pyramids and the pharaohs, we...

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  • Historical anniversaries in 2024

    2nd January 2024

    It’s the start of a new year – what can we expect? As we don’t have a crystal ball we can’t tell you what will happen, but as historians we can tell you about some of the things we will be remembering or marking over 2024. We think there will...

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  • The Historian 159: Out now


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  • Holocaust Memorial Day 2024

    29th November 2023

    27 January 2024 is Holocaust Memorial Day, an annual event to recognise and remember the murder of six million Jews, as well as other victims of Nazi persecution including minority groups and political and ideological opponents. The day is also an opportunity to remember the other genocides that have been...

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  • The Wolfson History Prize 2023

    29th November 2023

    On 13 November 2023 some of the HA team were fortunate enough to be in a glorious room at Claridge’s in Mayfair, London to hear the announcement of the winner of the prestigious Wolfson History Prize. To a full room it was announced that the winner was independent historian Halik...

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  • Napoleon – the film version!

    29th November 2023

    The British have always been a bit snarky about Napoleon – I guess that’s the way victors can play it. For the French, they often seem either to love or loathe him; the same it seems goes for many historians. What does seem to be clear from the recent discussions...

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