History news

  • June 6 1944: D-Day

    5th June 2014

    On June 6 1944 one of the most ambitious attack plans in history took place. The story began seventy-four years earlier when Britain and her Allies were pushed off the Western side of the continent after Nazi Germany swept through The Netherlands, Belgium and France in a matter of weeks....

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  • HA Annual Conference round-up 2014

    21st May 2014

    This year it was in Stratford upon Avon. Just what the home of literature needed, over 350 historians to descend on it - well that is what it got! It was a hugely successful event (if we say ourselves) with three keynote lectures and over 55 workshop sessions plus walking...

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  • Cause Papers Database

    1st April 2014

    The Cause Papers Database, a searchable catalogue of more than 14,000 cause papers relating to cases heard between 1300 and 1858 in the Church Courts of the diocese of York. The original records are held in the Borthwick Institute for Archives at the University of York, and are the most...

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  • The Historian Twitter Biography Competition 2014

    27th March 2014

    Some readers of The Historian will be users of Twitter and may already follow the Historical Association's Twitter feed https://twitter.com/histassoc For those who are not, Twitter is an on-line social networking and micro blogging service that enables users to send and read tweets, which are text messages limited to 140...

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  • Obituary Eileen Castle

    6th February 2014

    Mrs Eileen Castle graduated from Bedford College, University of London in 1959 and proceeded to a postgraduate Certificate of Education at Birmingham University. She achieved an MA in the Philosophy of Education and dedicated much of her life promoting historical knowledge and enquiry, encouraging enthusiasm and excitement in the learning...

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  • Professor Sir Richard J Evans awarded the HA's Norton Medlicott Medal 2014

    22nd January 2014

    Professor Sir Richard J Evans awarded the Historical Association's Norton Medlicott Medal for Services to History 2014 The Historical Association is very excited to award this year's Norton Medlicott Medal for an outstanding contribution to History to an important contemporary advocate of historical research and learning. Prof Sir Richard J...

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  • Nelson Mandela

    5th December 2013

    The Historical Association shares in the global reflection at the passing of Nelson Mandela.Whilst history will remember many events and individuals for all manner of things and deeds, only a few individuals can stand above the historical record and be said to have guided it. Mandela's influence as a leader,...

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  • Historic UK - Destination UK website

    29th November 2013

    The Historic UK website has provided a valuable on-line history resource since the year 2000.Their latest venture Destination UK, sets out to integrate their current coverage of Castles, Battlefields, Anglo-Saxon and Roman sites, to provide an interactive map of historic destinations for each county of England, and region of Scotland and Wales.They aim...

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  • Former President of the HA posthumously honoured.

    27th September 2013

    Barry Coward was a well regarded academic in his field of seventeenth century British history and President of the HA from 2005 - 2008. For more than forty years he taught at Birkbeck College, University of London, so it is fitting that Birkbeck are the recipients of £1000 from the...

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  • The Great Parchment Book

    17th September 2013

    The Great Parchment Book of The Honourable The Irish Society is a major survey, compiled in 1639 by a Commission instituted under the Great Seal by Charles I, of all those estates in Derry managed by the City of London through the Irish Society and the City of London livery...

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