
The exploration of the world we live in has raised fundamental questions and led to elaborate explanations across time and across societies and continents. In this theme ideas put forward in the pursuit of organised science are explored, the impact of those ideas and the changes they may have led to are discussed. Key individuals in the development of scientific thought are studied and ideas around how science has affected history and human development are addressed.

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  • The amazing adventures of Pytheas the Greek


    Alf Wilkinson explores the achievements of Pytheas, the first person, as far as we know, to sail completely around the British Isles in around 325 BC. When we think of the Ancient Greeks we tend to think of warfare, drama, myths and legends, perhaps mathematics, medicine and science. What we...

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  • The mechanical heroes of the Battle of Britain


    The Battle of Britain is often described as the point at which the Nazi threat began to diminish and cracks began to form in Hitler's regime. The air campaign launched by the Germans in the summer of 1940 intended to wipe out the existence of the British Royal Air Force...

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  • Vera Ignatievna Giedroyc: her missions of mercy, 1899–1932


    Historical research takes place in many forms and in many locations. This research, which has been translated for us, introduces us to an heroic pioneering Ukrainian woman surgeon. During the Spring of 1932 in the Ukrainian city of Kiev, on a sunny day in March, a very small group of...

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  • What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the consequences of the industrial revolution


    The British industrial revolution stands out as a pivotal moment in human history. Its timing, causes and consequences have all been major topics of historical enquiry for well over one hundred years. Many of the great Victorian commentators – Engels, Dickens, Blake to name a few – who lived through...

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