In this section religions, religious belief and many elements of religiosity are explored and discussed. Early pagan beliefs in Britain and Ireland to the worship of gods across Europe are explored as are the religious changes that monotheism introduced. How religion affects themes of power, individuality and architecture are debated as are key historical movements such as the Reformation and the crusades.
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Real Lives: Colonel James Skinner
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The First Crusade, 1095–99
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The Jews of Medieval England
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Secular acts and sacred practices in the Italian Renaissance church interior
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Jewish settlements in Medieval England
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Philip Larkin: appreciating parish churches
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My Favourite History Place: Sawley Abbey
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What Have Historians Been Arguing About... the impact of the English Reformation
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Petit’s impact on our understanding of Victorian life and culture
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The secret diaries of William Wilberforce
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A woman of masculine bravery: the life of Brilliana, Lady Harley
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What did it mean to be a city in early modern Germany?
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Out and About in Cairo
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The British Empire on trial
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The Christian Kingdoms of Nubia and Ethiopia
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My Favourite History Place: St James Church, Gerrards Cross
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Queens of Jerusalem: The Women Who Dared to Rule
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Building St James's spire: Louth's guilds and popular piety in the later middle ages
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Monty’s school: the benign side of Viscount Montgomery of Alamein
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My Favourite History Place: The Chantry Chapel of St Mary on Wakefield Bridge
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