Past Event Resources

Some of the events organised by the HA produce some fascinating outcomes, such as teacher resources, student lectures and fascinating podcasts. Collected here are some of the output so, that if you did miss it, you can catch right up.

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  • Recorded Webinar: Nineteenth-century crime and punishment


    This webinar with Dr Emma D Watkins explores the changing understanding of crime and responses to it in the nineteenth-century. It provides a brief overview on the general shift from punishment of the body, to banishment, all the way through to imprisonment. With a particular emphasis on the use of...

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  • Recorded Webinar: Our Human Planet


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  • Recorded Webinar: Philip IV


    Decline, decadence, crisis, stagnation, and adversity are terms powerfully associated with the reign of Spain’s Planet King; sombre tones that contrast sharply with the glittering cultural and artistic achievements (enhanced by his patronage) that led the period to be dubbed ‘the’ Golden Age, a label consciously competing with France’s later...

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  • Recorded Webinar: Resisting Reagan


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  • Recorded Webinar: Robespierre and Danton: Heroes of the French Revolution?


    One of the oldest myths of the French Revolution is the lethal rivalry between Robespierre and Danton: Robespierre the cold, bloodthirsty dictator who ruled France through Terror, versus Danton, the warm, humane, inspirational orator who wanted to stop Terror. Throughout the 19th century Robespierre was mostly depicted as a villain,...

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  • Recorded Webinar: Ukraine and the Soviet Politics of Empire


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  • Recorded Webinar: Understanding Lenin’s Government, 1917-24


    In this webinar Dr Douds examines the nature of political authority in the nascent Soviet Republic and the institutional structures, practices and ideology of government in the Lenin period. She considers how Communist Party dictatorship and the monolithic party-state emerged in the early years following the October Revolution of 1917...

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  • Recorded Webinar: Why have the Chinese rediscovered World War II?


    The Chinese regime never used to want to talk about their country’s experience in World War Two. The Japanese occupation of parts of China was felt to be a humiliating episode that was best forgotten, and the Communists were uncomfortable that their nationalist enemy Chiang Kai-Shek had been China’s main...

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  • Recorded Webinar: Writing historical fiction - Research and planning 


    In this first webinar about writing historical fiction, author Tony Bradman will talk about how ideas grow from reading and thinking about history. Once you have a good idea, then you need to research it properly, starting with secondary sources for context, then moving on to more specific reading. Visits...

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  • Recorded Webinar: Writing historical fiction - Writing and revision


    In this second webinar in our series on writing historical fiction, author Tony Bradman talks about the actual process of writing the story, with examples. The difficulty of the first page - how to start your story with impact and make sure the reader is gripped from the first line....

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  • Recorded Webinar: ‘Drawing the Line’: the 1947 Partition of India


    August 2022 marks 75 years since British India was divided at independence into two separate states: India and Pakistan (the latter including today’s Bangladesh). As with the 70th commemoration in 2017, this anniversary will trigger a great deal of collective remembering in Britain just as in South Asia itself. Freedom from...

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  • Recorded lecture: Henry V: Henry the Conqueror?


    Henry V - Henry the Conqueror? In this lecture former HA President Anne Curry Emeritus Professor of Medieval History Southampton addresses the question Henry V - Henry the Conqueror?'. She explores the relationship between Henry V, his court and those in France. (Please note: if you have HA Membership and are...

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  • Recorded webinar: Exploring representations and attitudes to disability across history


    This webinar was presented by Richard Rieser, who is a campaigner and champion for disability rights and the coordinator of UK Disability History Month. His presentation is part of our ongoing work to explore disability history and the arguments and representations of it and ensure that people from disability groups...

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  • Recorded webinar: Maya ruler King Pakal II of Palenque


    The discovery in 1952 of the tomb of King Pakal II of Palenque has been called the most important archaeological find in the history of the Americas. Protected by a magnificently sculpted stone sarcophagus depicting Pakal’s descent to the underworld and re-birth as the maize god lay the body of...

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  • Recorded webinar: Ordinary people - Holocaust Memorial Day 2023


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  • Recorded webinar: Teaching the 'People's History' of the Munich Crisis


    Professor Julie Gottlieb has written extensively on inter-war British political and gender history, and her more recent work has provided alternative perspectives on seemingly settled debates in the historiography of British foreign policy and the history of appeasement. Through the lens of women/gender, social history, and now psychology/emotion, she argues for a...

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  • Recorded webinar: Untold Stories of D-Day


    The HA has worked with film-maker,  historian and Legasee ambassador Martyn Cox on a series of webinars looking at untold stories from the Second World War. Many of these stories are taken for the oral histories provided in interviews given to Martyn on film.  In this filmed webinar, Martyn goes...

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  • Recorded webinar: Using 'One Day' to explore the actions that helped to lead to the Holocaust and actions of genocide


    This year's Holocaust Memorial Day the theme is 'One Day'. In this webinar with historian Paula Kitching, we will use the one day Wannsee Conference of January 1942 to help explore the actions of the perpetrators, the Holocaust victims and how decision making by people can lead to genocide. This...

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  • Recorded webinar: Why study history?


    The importance of historical understanding might seem self-evident at a time when statues are toppled and demonstrators are protesting against current manifestations of age-old wrongs. Yet history in schools and universities is often compared unfavourably with STEM subjects, which are depicted as more rigorous, useful and valuable in the workplace....

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  • Round Table Discussion: Does Content Matter?


    This round table discussion took place on Saturday 15th May 2010.  The panel includes: Dr Katharine Burn (Editor of Teaching History), Dr Michael Riley (Director of the Schools History Project.); Colin Jones (President of the Royal Historical Society and Professor of History at Queen Mary, London); David Evans (Former Head of Eton).

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