Britain & Ireland
What was it about industrialisation that led to the emergence of a woman’s movement in Victorian Britain? Why do we see so many people fighting for so many rights and liberties in this period and what are the origins of some of the issues we still campaign on today? This section includes our major series on Social and Political Change in the UK from 1800 to the present day. There are also articles and podcasts on the often violent relationship between England and Ireland during this period and England’s changing relationship with Scotland and Wales. Read more
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What have historians been arguing about... decolonisation and the British Empire?
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Women and Gender in the French Wars
PodcastClick to view -
My Favourite History Place: Gladstone’s Library at Hawarden
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Out and About in Haworth
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Holocaust Memorial Day
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Show and Tell: three Branch book events
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The Georgian Papers – a virtual ‘madness’
2nd December 2019Click to view -
Lecture: Suffrage lives, 1866 to 1914
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Do historical anniversaries matter? Case study: Arnhem 1944
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Peterloo August 1819: the English Uprising
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Out and About: Kennington and the Elephant and Castle
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The burial dilemma
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The peace treaties of 1919
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A European dimension to local history
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The Diabolical Cato-Street Plot
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Homes fit for heroes? James Cecil and the public interest
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Peterloo: HA interview with Mike Leigh and Jacqueline Riding
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Petit’s Tours of Old Staffordshire
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Yr Ysgwrn: keeping the door open
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Out and About in Derry/Londonderry
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