
In this section there is information and articles on heritage concerning: the professional sector; local conservation and access; the built environment and national moods and policies. Features here will be added to over time and will include information and advice on accessing the heritage sector, careers and volunteer activities.

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  • Volunteering in Heritage


    How to: get a volunteering placement in heritage Rachel Clark, Volunteering Adviser, National Trust  has written a useful mini guide to getting a volunteering placement which can be found here... Volunteering with Heritage Organisations There are many different organisations across the UK dedicated to preserving our cultural heritage. If you want to...

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  • Public History Courses


    What is Public History? Public History is about understanding how the past has affected, and is used by, the present. It brings history to life and helps us understand the relationship between the past and the public at present. Public History can involve history in the community, and a Public...

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  • Heritage Management & Education


    1. Nottingham Trent University MA/PGCert/PGDip Museum and Heritage Management There is a need for multi-skilled, quality staff who combine a broad vision of the field in which they are working with practical expertise in the care and presentation of heritage. Their postgraduate heritage management courses combine the conceptual framework necessary...

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  • Research Methods in Heritage, Museums & Galleries


    Reading List for those interested in research methods in heritage, museums and galleries from Newcastle University... Essential Reading Dicks, Bella, From Mine to Museum: The Evolution of Heritage in the Rhondda in Heritage, place, and community by Dicks, Bella University of Wales Press, 2000  Dicks, Bella, Heritage and Local Memory in...

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  • A tale of two Turings


    Among the posthumous attempts to celebrate his scientific importance, alongside recognition of the unwarranted injustices to which he was subjected, two important statues to Alan Turing are highlighted by Dave Martin.

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  • A tale of two statues


    Dave Martin relates how the statue of one of our imperial ‘heroes’ prompted a campaign to have it taken down while the statue of another imperial ‘hero’ prompted a fund-raising campaign for its repair. As the tide of Empire ebbed across the globe vestiges of British rule remained, some great,...

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  • Archaeology on the edge


    Major archaeological projects can be complex affairs, in terms of their funding, governance and the wide range of historical and technological expertise they require. Here National Trust archaeologist Kathy Laws describes the intricacies and successes of a multi-organisational project at an Iron Age site in north Wales. The challenges of the...

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  • Archaeology – get involved


    Across the UK there are regional community groups undertaking practical field work; there are colleges and universities offering part-time courses – all of whom are keen to hear from you. It doesn't matter where you live or what age you are, the archaeology of the UK is for everyone to...

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  • Beyond the boundaries of the Lake District


    This article responds to recent changes in the size and status of the Lake District National Park by considering the historical interconnectedness of the Lake District with the region that surrounds it. Drawing on visual and verbal responses to the landscape of the Lakes region, Christopher Donaldson reveals how historical...

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  • Building St James's spire: Louth's guilds and popular piety in the later middle ages


    Medieval historian Dr Claire Kennan continued our Virtual Branch series with a local history talk on the building of St James's spire, Louth.  In her talk Kennan traces the important role that Louth's major guilds of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Holy Trinity played in the building of the St James’s spire. Throughout the...

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  • Croydon’s Tudor and Stuart inns


    Trevor James offers a case study in how to define and identify inns as part of the historic urban environment. Croydon’s Tudor and Stuart inns Croydon’s Tudor and Stuart inns had a remarkable and formative effect on its urban landscape, an effect which still endures into modern times. Topographers and...

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  • Heritage and History


    Moves to protect and record the historic environment began at the turn of the 20th century with the establishment of the National Trust in 1895, the Victoria County History in 1899, and the Royal Commission on Historical Monuments for England in 1908. The VCH took the antiquarians’ task onto a...

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  • Heritage, Museum and Gallery Education


    Heritage, Museum and Gallery Education reading list provided by Newcastle University  Essential Reading Anderson, David, A common wealth : museums and learning in the United KingdomDepartment of National Heritage, 1997 Cracknell, S. & Corbishley, M., Presenting Archaeology to Young PeopleCouncil for British Archaeology, 1986.   Henson, Donald, Archaeology in the English national...

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  • Hidden histories: landscape spotting – a brief guide


    The art of landscape spotting – identifying and interpreting visible archaeological features in the countryside – is an accessible, enlightening and fun way to explore our past. By finding these clues in the fields, roads, hedges and hills around us, we can start to piece together the biography of a...

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  • History Abridged: Balmoral


    History Abridged: This feature seeks to take a person, event or period and abridge, or focus on, an important event or detail that can get lost in the big picture. Think Horrible Histories for grownups (without the songs and music). See all History Abridged articles Royal majesty is buttressed by...

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  • History Abridged: London’s women statues


    History Abridged: This feature seeks to take a person, event or period and abridge, or focus on, an important event or detail that can get lost in the big picture. See all History Abridged articles We live in a seemingly iconoclastic age. Statues that were once part of the established...

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  • My Favourite History Place - Barnard Castle


    Paula Kitching invites us to look at Barnard Castle with new eyes. Over the summer there was a lot of talk about Barnard Castle – I won’t go into the politics, but it did make me reflect on the actual town of Barnard Castle. Growing up, it was one of...

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  • My Favourite History Place: A Short History of Brill


    In this article Josephine Glover discusses the long history of her ‘favourite history place’, the Buckinghamshire village of Brill. She explains how there has been a human settlement there since Mesolithic times. Using various fragments of evidence, she pieces together the extent to which the village was important to early...

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  • My Favourite History Place: Berwick-upon-Tweed railway station


    Glimpsed from the window of a speeding train, as it hurtles north across the Royal Border Bridge and towards Edinburgh, the modest station at Berwick-upon-Tweed would seem an unlikely spot for one of the most momentous episodes in British history; but step off the train, walk up the stairs, and allow...

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  • My Favourite History Place: Edinburgh's Royal Mile


    Maggie Wilson whets our appetite for exploration of Edinburgh’s Royal Mile. Edinburgh’s Royal Mile runs between the Castle and Holyrood Palace. In addition to these and other well-known sites such as St Giles Cathedral, John Knox’s house, the Canongate Tolbooth and Canongate Kirk, and stories of Deacon Brodie, David Hume, James Boswell, Robert Burns and, obviously,...

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