Book Reviews

The Historian is the publication for general members of the HA. One of its regular features is book reviews. The reviews cover everything from the popular new history books to some of the more obscure, specialist books that make you proud that publishers still value history books. Find out what is hot on the history shelves here.

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  • Seafarers, Merchants and Pirates in the Middle Ages


    Seafarers, Merchants and Pirates in the Middle Ages by Dirk Meier(Boydell Press), 2009 184pp. £14.99 paper, ISBN 978-1843-383512-7The first thing that stands out in this book is the wonderful colour illustrations and maps.  The second is the discussion of the nature and construction of ships such as the cog, carrack...

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  • Childhood and Child Labour in the British Industrial Revolution


    Childhood and Child Labour in the British Industrial Revolution by Jane Humphries(Studies in Economic History, Cambridge University Press), 2010 439pp., £60, hard, ISBN 978-0-521-84756-8In Kirkheaton churchyard near Huddersfield there is a 15 foot stone obelisk topped by a flame that commemorates ‘The dreadful fate of 17 children who fell unhappy...

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  • War in an Age of Revolution 1775-1815


    War in an Age of Revolution 1775-1815 by Roger Chickering and Stig Főrster, (eds.)(Cambridge University Press), 2010 422pp., £45 hard, ISBN 0-978-521-89996-3Modern warfare really began in the series of wars that convulsed Europe and North America between 1775 and 1815: the War of American Independence, the French Revolutionary and Napoleonic...

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  • Sir Robert Peel: The Life and Legacy


    Sir Robert Peel: The Life and Legacy by Richard A. Gaunt(I.B. Tauris), 2010 264pp., £20 hard. ISBN 978-184885354The two-volume biography of Peel by Norman Gash was published in 1961 and 1967.  Gash sees Peel as a pragmatic administrator and an instinctively consensual politician whose great achievement was to establish the...

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  • Understanding the British Empire


    Understanding the British Empire by Ronald Hyam(Cambridge University Press), 2010 552pp., £24.99 paper, ISBN 0-978-521-13290-9Ronald Hyam is a highly regarded imperial historian whose work over the last thirty years has been at the forefront of innovative thinking about the subject.  Divided into six main themes, the geopolitical and economic dynamics...

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  • The Cambridge History of South Africa


    The Cambridge History of South Africa: Volume 1, From Early Times to 1885 by Carolyn Hamilton, Bernard K. Mbenga and Robert Ross (eds.)(Cambridge University Press), 2010 466pp., £80 hard, ISBN 0-978-521-51794-2I am writing this review an hour before England's first match of the World Cup in the ‘Rainbow Nation'.  For...

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  • The War of 1812 in the age of Napoleon


    Jeremy Black, The War of 1812 in the age of Napoleon, Continuum, 2010, hardback, 256 pp, £25.00, ISBN 9780826436122Dedicated to William Hague, who since this book went to press has now assumed responsibility for Britain's conduct of Anglo-American relations in the second decade of the twenty-first century, Professor Jeremy Black's...

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  • A Victorian Guide to Healthy Living


    Anna Selby, ed., Thomas Allinson, A Victorian Guide to Healthy Living, Pen and Sword, 2009, hardback, 192 pp, £19.99, ISBN 9781844680764Dr Thomas Allinson was a healthy eating campaigner long before Jamie Oliver transformed school dinners in twenty-first century British schools. He founded the famous Allinson Bread firm in 1892 and...

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  • How World War I Changed women's lives


    Told through words and pictures: how women challenged the "go home and sit still - no petticoats here" message from Whitehall and did their bit during the First World War. Women in the First World War: Neil R Storey & Molly Housego ISBN: 978-07478-752-0, £5.99, Published 10th April 2010When war...

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  • 'Women's Writing in Middle English'


    Throwing light on the medieval female voice - 'Women's Writing in Middle English' part of the revised Longman Annotated Texts seriesPrice: 12.99 each Publisher: Longman The Middle Ages - a time of arbitrary royal power, a wealthy transnational Church, and religious controversy. Not a time, perhaps, we associate with the...

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  • Tracing Your Liverpool Ancestors


    Tracing Your Liverpool Ancestors - A Guide for Family Historians, by Mike Royden. Pen and Sword, 2010, Paper, 456 pp, £14.99, ISBN 9781844159901This very useful guide for family historians tracing their Liverpool ancestry is firmly rooted in the belief that genealogical research is both enlivened and enhanced by an appreciation...

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  • English Liberties Overseas 1600-1900


    Exclusionary Empire: English Liberties Overseas 1600-1900 by Jack P. Greene, (ed.)(Cambridge University Press), 2009  305pp., £16.99 paper, 978-0-521-13270-1The development of a comparative approach to British imperial history has been an important development in historiography over the past five years.  This was especially evident in the recently published Replenishing the Earth...

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  • Arms and Armour of the Imperial Roman Soldier


    Raffaele D'Amato Arms and Armour of the Imperial Roman Soldier from Marius to Commodus, 112 BC - AD 192 (Frontline Books), 2009xiv, 290pp., hardback, folio, £35, ISBN 978 1 84832 512 8.This, the first of three volumes, is without doubt a magnificent production.  As Professor Giorgio Ravegnani of Venice writes...

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  • Britain at War 1939-1945


    Members will be interested in BRITAIN AT WAR 1939 to 1945 what was life like during the war? By James Lingard (ISBN 9781434359339) which brings alive the harsh realities of life in Britain during the war - life full of uncertainty and the danger of impending death. It also provides...

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  • The History of Tea and Tea Times; As Seen in Books


    Claire Hopley The History of Tea and Tea Times; As Seen in Books (Pen and Sword Books Ltd.), 2009192pp., paperback, £9.99 ISBN 978 1 84468 030 6  In this contribution to the Remember When series, Claire Hopley discusses the history of tea as it is recorded in English literature, from...

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  • The Providence of God


    Francis Aran Murphy and Philip G. Ziegler, (eds.)The Providence of God (T. & T. Clark, London and New York), 2009xi., 338pp., paperback,  ISBN 978 0 567 03341 3, £24.99. hardback, ISBN 978 0 567 03340 6Providence is and has always been both an influential and a controversial concept in Christian...

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  • What is Migration Theory?


    HistoriographyChristiane Harzig and Dirk Hoerder with Donna Gabaccia What is Migration History? (What is History? Polity Press), 2009 181pp., £13.99 paper, ISBN 978-0-7456-4336-6Migration has formed one of the enduring characteristics of the human race and there have been particular periods when peoples have migrated for a variety of reasons from...

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  • Teaching Red Scarf Girl


    Facing History and Ourselves is excited to announce a new study guide. Teaching Red Scarf Girl has been developed to help classrooms explore essential Facing History themes, including conformity, obedience, prejudice and justice. Red Scarf Girl, Ji-li Jiang's engaging memoir, provides an insightful window into the first tumultuous years of...

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  • The Modern Historiography Reader: Western Sources


    Adam Budd, (ed.) The Modern Historiography Reader: Western Sources (Routledge, 2008) 534pp., £24.99 paper, ISBN 978-0-415-45887-0This excellent book provides a guide to European and North American developments in historical writing since the eighteenth century through a collection of well-chosen sources.  The book begins with the Enlightenment and moves through subjects...

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  • Sharing The Past: Northamptonshire's Black History


    Northamptonshire Black History Association Pub 2008; ISBN:978 0 9557139 1 0; £12.95 [+£2.30 p and p] from: NBHA, Doddridge Centre, 109 St James Road, Northampton, NN5 5LD. How fortunate Northamptonshire history teachers are! With the current emphasis on community cohesion and diversity in the New Secondary Curriculum, they are presented...

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