The President's Column 120


By Professor Jackie Eales, published 6th January 2014

As 2014 starts I am conscious that I am entering the last few months of my time as President. The past two and a half years have flown by for me, partly because I have really enjoyed meeting so many of our members at my talks and finding out what makes each branch ‘tick'. In December I was delighted to speak to the Nottingham and the Cheltenham and Gloucester branches followed by a Christmas buffet.

I have noticed that these social events always seem to be particularly well attended. Having tea and biscuits (or cake!) after talks or organising a special buffet once a year seems to be a very successful strategy for making the HA feel like a friendly club, especially for new members. My 2014 diary is also very well stocked with HA talks during the next few months and I am looking forward to speaking at the Central London, Warwick and Richmond  ranches in February and March...

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