The following podcasts are from an interview between Dr Andrew Foster, chair of our Public History Committee with Professor Miles Taylor, Director of the Institute of Historical Research. The podcasts look at the work of the IHR - what it aims to do for the historical profession and wider public, the important services it provides in London.
1. What work does the IHR do? How does it support research from amateur historians, teachers or academics?
2. The Library - a wealth of resources and publications for your research open to the public. Local and regional research. IHR projects.
3. Service and advice to post graduate students and other organisations. Research training programmes. Training online. Historian career development and vocational training. Archives and oral history training.
4. The Anglo-American Conference. Conference always themed and pulls historians from all over the world. Building links with historians in Japan, South Korea, China, India and Russia.
5. Accessibility to the general public. Library resources, seminars, lectures, conferences, online resources. Victoria County History: Local and regional history - getting involved as volunteer researchers. Friends networks and membership- helping the IHR. Historical visits. Conferences for teachers and students - helping the transition to university.
6. What has been the impact of the digital revolution on the IHR? Digitising the IHR's resources. Becoming experts at digital archiving and research. How has methodology changed? Online seminars. How do you maintain high standards in the digital age?
7. 60+ seminars a year - soon to be made virtual and interactive. Building an institutional repository. List of thesis from all the work going in the UK - finding out what work is being done in your field or area of interest.
8. E-Review system - review service of historical publications.
9. What does the future hold for the IHR - what services will be offered? Connecting historians.
10. What can we do to make sure that the IHR continues to thrive? Using the library, becoming a friend of the IHR - joining the community. Getting involved as a volunteer with the Victoria County History - local research.