My Favourite History Place - Cambridge City Cemetary

Historian feature

By Glenn Hearnden, published 18th April 2015

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission maintains memorials to our war dead in large and small numbers in cemeteries across the world, and here Glenn Hearnden presents us with a detailed and informative case-study of Cambridge City Cemetery.

Like many large towns and cities across the UK, there is a cemetery in the centre of Cambridge that has dedicated areas containing over a thousand graves immaculately maintained by the Commonwealth War Graves Commission (CWGC).

Situated on the Newmarket Road, the Cambridge City Cemetery has been used for local burials since June 1903. As you walk between the private memorials for those locals buried there you become aware of four areas that have the uniform CWGC pattern headstones, as impressive as any CWGC cemetery in France or Belgium...

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