HA Primary Survey 2010

Take part and win £75 worth of M&S Vouchers!
As the prospect of a full curriculum review grows ever stronger, we at the Historical Association understand that teachers need to get their voices heard. With this in mind, we have designed our 2010 survey of history in primary schools.
We cannot urge strongly enough that you, a member of your school or your history coordinator take just a few minutes to respond. As you will have seen in Michael Gove's speech last week, the plans for curriculum review are well underway, with a white paper planned for coming months. It therefore becomes especially important to have a clear picture of the state of history in primary schools in order to best advise as to the shape of any curriculum reform in history. We want to know what you as teachers think, what works for you and what doesn't; what your fears about the primary history curriculum are. You can help us to help you. Armed with your responses we will be better equipped to help shape the future of the history that you teach and make your voices heard. Furthermore, one lucky respondent will be chosen at random to receive £75 worth of Marks and Spencer Vouchers!
Whether you are completing the survey for the first time, or repeating the exercise, from previous years, whether you are a trainee teacher or have years of experience, we need your responses! With this evidence, we hope to be able to identify patterns and trends over time, which will only serve to strengthen any case we make to the government
We cannot urge you strongly enough to take a few minutes to fill the survey in and let your evidence help us to help you in our continued campaign to make sure that History retains its rightful place and shape on the primary curriculum.
The survey closes on November 1st. To take the survey, please follow the link below. We look forward to your responses.
Many Thanks
The HA Primary Committee
Click here to take the survey...