Engaging Places New Resources

Engaging Places helps take the stress out of planning for your new school year. With lesson plans, teaching activities and resources for a range of key stages and subjects, it helps you create unforgettable lessons.
Your local environment can help produce great English lessons. Write about a view from your window, research newspaper stories about your area or try creative writing about a night walk. These are just some of the lesson plans available to you.
Download this pack with site history, photos, plans, activities and details of how to visit.
Lessons which explore the museum's rich time capsule of the Victorian age.
Download this teaching resource about a Victorian walled garden in Devon.
Is your house in a street with lots of others - or is it in the countryside? Perhaps it's 10 floors up? Use our image resource, teacher's notes and historical information to explore housing styles and building techniques since the Tudor period.
How can pupils learn to see the strangeness in familiar places? Read about the work of the artist Christo and think about the possibilities for teaching activities in maths, history and literacy.