The Barry Coward Memorial Fund

The Historical Association are starting a special fund in Barry Coward's name to support the Great Debate and, hopefully, to raise money to support adults returning to education.
Barry was President of the HA from 2005 to 2008 seeing us through our Centenary Celebrations in 2006 and the first Great Debate. He was very supportive of education and was an A-level examiner for over 30 years.
Barry's working life was at Birkbeck College, University of London. Birkbeck students are all mature students doing their degree part-time in the evening; to support adults returning to education at Birkbeck would be a cause close to Barry's personal philosophy.
As you will know, Barry was a much admired figure amongst his colleagues, students and the wider historical profession and the event will be an opportunity to pay tribute to his remarkable achievements over more than forty years at Birkbeck.
A Memorial event was held on 28 June at Birkbeck.
Barry Coward, historian, 1941 - 2011
Please help us realise this fund - donate today by filling in the attached form.
Attached files:
- Barry_Memorial_fund.pdf
534.2 KB PDF document