HA News

  • War on Film

    10th September 2009

    To celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Second World War, the National Archives have created a series of six videocasts entitled 'War on Film'. These describe key events that inspired popular war films, using extracts from real government records and archive footage. Discover the real stories behind films such as 'The...

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  • The HA Forms a New Committee for Public History!

    29th August 2009

    The Historical Association is pleased to announce the formation of a Committee for Public History which held its first meeting in May 2009.  Dr Andrew Foster, a member of Council, is the first chair of this committee and gave a brief account of its purpose at the AGM held in...

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  • New BBC Archive Collection on Apartheid

    29th June 2009

    15th June 2009 To mark the tenth anniversary of Nelson Mandela stepping down from the presidency in South Africa and twenty years since the first steps were made to dismantle apartheid; the BBC release ‘Life under Apartheid: Racial Segregation in South Africa', a new online collection of interviews, documentaries, news...

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  • Results and examples from the Write Your Own Historical Story Competition 2009.

    22nd June 2009

    Some of the winning entries are attached to the bottom of this page! The competition this year has again been very successful. We received 111 entries from 51 schools across England and Wales. These broke down into 39 stories from Year 7 pupils, 41 from Year 8 pupils and 31 from Year...

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  • Why history matters?

    17th June 2009

    Podcast of the round table discussion available here! The History Matters Annual Conference in May 2009 saw the best turnout we've had for some time with a healthy and representative mix of HA members. Our thanks to all those who contributed their time and energy in delivering workshops and lectures....

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  • Cabinet Papers from 1915 to 1978 online.

    27th January 2009

    The latest releases from the National Achieves including Jim Callaghan's fears about British defence and his plan to exclude Margaret Thatcher from the Royal Box. Discover online how the government of the day made those tough decisions during key events of the 20th century, covering two world wars and the...

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  • The Diary of Anne Frank

    13th January 2009

    Wanted to tell you about the new free resources from the Anne Frank Trust designed to complement the BBC drama "The Diary of Anne Frank". The resources are designed for KS2 and 3, focusing on History, English and Citizenship and are available for download from our website from the 9th of...

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  • Oxford Dictionary of National Biography celebrates the 90th anniversary of the women's vote!

    2nd December 2008

    *Freely available in almost all UK public libraries, with direct home access for library members* 14 December 2008 is the 90th anniversary of the election of the first woman to the British House of Commons, and the first election in which women (over 30 years) were able to stand as candidates...

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