Primary History Survey Report 2022
The HA's biennial survey of history in primary schools

Primary History survey 2022 – the outcomes
Education is something we all experience; for some of us we experience if multiple times, during childhood, as educators and/or as parents. Despite it being a constant, it is ever-changing and evolving. That is why the Historical Association monitors education as an essential part of its remit.
The HA carries out a biennial survey to build up an accurate picture of the status of history in primary schools. The latest one was carried out in 2022 rather than 2021 to allow for the impact of Covid-19 and to enable us to assess the early stages of the impact of the new Ofsted Inspection Framework. Interestingly the results have indicated shifts that started as a result of the draft framework which have continued now that the framework is statutory.
The survey this time continued to monitor trends identified in previous surveys and how issues affecting the current education landscape may be impacting upon primary history specifically.
Movements such as Black Lives Matter and subsequent debate about the diversity of the history curriculum, the growth of MATs (multi-academy trusts) and the Covid pandemic have all made themselves present in primary schools as this survey indicates. Diversity is now addressed more regularly with schools demonstrating a broader understanding of the issues than previously indicated.
Other trends include: greater curriculum planning; a better understanding of the National Curriculum; and more training for teachers at some levels.
Respondents came from a range of schools, and from teachers who themselves had a variety of backgrounds and lengths of teaching careers.
This report is a timely gathering of information and knowledge of the reality of history teaching as it actually occurs in our schools. The results are an important measure of how we can help to support children and teachers in the educational environment in an ever-developing world.
Attached files:
- 2022 Primary history survey - full report
573.5 KB PDF document