Event News

  • Isle of Wight Branch 60th Anniversary

    12th September 2010

    Sixty Years On Although the Historical Association was formed in 1906 sixteen years elapsed before a branch was established on the Isle of Wight.  From the HA's archives, stored   at Nottingham University, the annual reports indicate the Branch was formed in June 1922 and by the end of the first...

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  • The Future of History in our Schools Debate 2010

    29th July 2010

    Whether you have children or not, whether you're a teacher or not, if you have a love of History this debate matters to you. The media and politicians like nothing better than to comment on what children do or do not know - and History gets it in the neck...

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  • Ian Mason's Branch Report to the 2010 AGM

    20th June 2010

    Report to AGM of the Branches and Members Committee  14 May 2010   Meetings since AGM in Leicester, 9/5/09:1.Birmingham Midlands Institute, 6/6/09;2.London Institute for Hist.Research,19/9/09;3.London NCVO,Branch Officers' Meeting,7/11/094.London NCVO, 6/2/10.  Committee Members: Chairholder: Mr.Ian C.Mason, FHAHon.Sec of Cumbria Branch; Deputy Chairholder: Mr.John TillShropshire Branch Officer; Professor G.Batho; G.Bisson;T.Blunden; R.Burgess; J.Golding; R.Hill;...

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  • Humanist Heritage

    6th June 2010

    Every June the British Humanist Association (BHA) holds an awareness week around International Humanist Day. This year's Humanist Week, 21-27 June, has the theme of Humanist Heritage. Andrew Copson, Chief Executive of the BHA and a HA member says, 'From George Eliot to Aphra Behn, Viscount Morley to Bertrand Russell,...

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  • Heatherbank: A Unique Museum

    22nd May 2010

    The sixth lecture in the Glasgow and West of Scotland Branch Reverend Alastair Ramage on "Heatherbank: A Unique Museum" Alastair Ramage was introduced by the Secretary who recalled her memories of Colin and Rosemary Harvey, the original founders of the Museum in their Georgian house in 1975.  Colin attracted donations...

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  • The Hidden Influence of Taxation on British History

    30th March 2010

    The fifth lecture in the Glasgow and West of Scotland Branch: talk on "The hidden influence of taxation on British history" by Matthew Elliott, Chief Executive of the TaxPayers' Alliance. The Secretary introduced Mathew Elliott as the co-founder of the TaxPayers' Alliance, a campaigning pressure group.   She compared it to...

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