General HA Conference 2018 resources
Workshop resources

The resources in this section are from workshops presented for at the HA Annual Conference 2018. The conference took place in Stratford-upon-Avon on 18-19 May 2018.
The HA Annual Conference is a unique opportunity to join the history community on a weekend of captivating history. In the General pathway you can enjoy lectures from academic researchers and local branch historians on every aspect and period of history, improving your knowledge and exploring new sources and areas of historical interest.
Download the 2018 programme below and register your interest for 2019 at
The resources published here are the property of the workshop presenters and publication does not necessarily imply the HA’s approval of the opinions expressed in the session or its resources. Workshop presenters were asked to confirm that the work presented was their own, that all contributors were properly acknowledged and that they had permission to use any other exemplar materials.
If you have any questions about the HA Annual Conference please contact us at
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- Why we should never ignore local history
- Five things you might not know about international diplomacy between the world wars
- Dusty Bob and Alfred Doolittle: the dustman in history and popular culture
- Metamorphosis of the Korean War: Kilroy resurrects
- Piety, prophecy and protest: women and religion in the English Revolution