Ali Getty will talk on his research (TBC)

Event Type: Branch

Takes Place: 8th February 2025

Time: 11am

Venue: Kelvinside Hillhead Parish Church Observatory Road, Glasgow West End G12 9AR.

Description: This is the first talk that has arisen out of an earlier talk. 20 years ago Tony Pollard spoke to us on his WW1 battlefield archaeology funded by the Australian Government. His team discovered many Australian bodies which were given proper burials attended by their families. Ali recalled that his great Uncle in a Lancaster bomber was shot down 2 Days before the end of the war. The Lancaster crew parachuted to safety whereupon the SS shot all of them. His family never properly mourned him, never knowing what had happened to him as the village was now in East Germany. Ali spent a lot of time finding out what happened. Then 3 generations of the family visited the village where they found that the villagers had buried them properly in the graveyard. His research is impressive.

How to book: For any branch enquiries please telephone Marie Davidson on 0141 956 1172

Organiser: Marie Davidson FHA

Lecturer: Ali Getty

Region: Scotland

Branch: Glasgow & West of Scotland

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