Venture Smith – from Slavery to Success

Event Type: Branch

Takes Place: 15th May 2025

Time: 7.30pm

Venue: The Nordic Centre, aka Danish Church, Osborne Street, Hull HU1 2PN

Description: Venture Smith, captured into slavery as a boy, worked his way under three slave owners to purchase his freedom for £71, 2 shillings. Through hard work in business he was able to buy his sons and his wife out of slavery, and eventually he bought land. He was an inspiration in his own state, and still is today.

How to book: Branch Contact: Sylvia Usher (Branch Secretary)

Price: Associate membership: £12; visitors: £3. No charge for students


Organiser: Sylvia Usher

Lecturer: Chandler Saint. Researcher

Region: North-East England

Branch: Hull and East Riding

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