Assessing Trauma, Resilience and Recovery in the Hull Blitz

Event Type: Branch

Takes Place: 10th April 2025

Time: 7.30pm

Venue: The Nordic Centre, aka Danish Church, Osborne Street, Hull HU1 2PN

Description: After the 1941 devastating blitz of Hull the government secretary sent scientists to assess if trauma had brought the population to ‘breaking point’. The aim was to learn what plans must be made to ensure no breakdowns across the country. Re considering the evidence reveals how Hull people endured, and its long term impact.

How to book: Branch Contact: Sylvia Usher (Branch Secretary)

Price: Associate membership: £12; visitors: £3. No charge for students


Organiser: Sylvia Usher

Lecturer: Professor David Atkinson. University of Hull

Region: North-East England

Branch: Hull and East Riding

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