Good Honest Tales: A history of Batemans brewery

Event Type: Branch

Takes Place: 23rd September 2024

Time: 18:00

Venue: University of Lincoln

Description: An event in a brewery is usually the way the beer industry celebrates major anniversaries. Batemans, the largest brewer in Lincolnshire, marked their 150th anniversary this year in just that way – but they also allowed me access to their historical records to write a history of their firm. Dusty old ledgers, invoices and letters were unearthed, many difficult to read, which revealed a wide range of opinions, arguments, gambles and more. This talk will explain how five generations of the same family combined to maintain their independence in the face of challenges including wars, family disputes and financial problems – to name just a few. And I’ll set out how I managed to read carbon copies of gradually vanishing Victorian handwriting. Adam Cartwright has written widely on the industrial history of Lincolnshire for local history societies. He’s particularly interested in the history of breweries and pubs, and is the author of Good Honest Tales: 150 Years of Batemans Brewery, which was published earlier this year by Amberley Books. He has a BA in History from the University of Hertfordshire. He’s also the editor of two magazines in the heritage railway sector.

How to book: You can book onto any of our events via our Eventbrite page:

Price: £4 for non-members; free for members, students and teachers


Organiser: Prof. Jamie Wood

Lecturer: Adam Cartwright

Region: East Midlands

Branch: Lincoln City

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