HA Webinar: Creative history teaching – practical ways to engage students, improve historical thinking and boost memory

Event Type: CPD

Takes Place: 20th November 2024

Time: 4pm - 5.30pm

Venue: Zoom

Description: "This workshop will explore a range of practical, classroom trialed approaches to approaching GCSE and Key Stage 3 content in a more creative and engaging way. These range from ‘quick wins’ that can help students grasp a difficult concept to longer term approaches that improve written outcomes and help students develop strong substantive and disciplinary knowledge. · Creative ways to introduce new topics – from initial stimulus material to carefully planned mysteries that improve disciplinary thinking · The power of practical demonstrations - creative ways to teach difficult concepts and build strong substantive knowledge · Creative approaches to improving written outcomes and source analysis – from loaded language games to walking essays · Decision-making activities and stories that help students understand the dilemmas and choices faced by people in the past · Creative approaches to helping students remember the key disciplinary and substantive knowledge curriculum takeaways · The power of debates – how to encourage high quality and inclusive talk before writing · Creative outcomes – building motivation for an enquiry by providing students with a real sense of audience and purpose "

How to book: Booking online via the cademy link below.

Price: £40 HA member, £68 non-member. An extra fee is added if this is paid for on Cademy.

Email: events@history.org.uk

Website: https://historical-association.cademy.co.uk/ha-webinar-creative-history-teaching-practical-ways-to-engage-students-improve-historical-thinking-and-boost-memory

Lecturer: Dale Banham


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