Queen Victoria’s Early Life and Family at Kensington Palace

Event Type: Branch

Takes Place: 14th November 2024

Time: 7.30pm (doors open 7pm)

Venue: Newport Minster, St Thomas’ Square, NEWPORT, IW PO30 1BG

Description: Queen Victoria's early and most formative years were spent at Kensington Palace. Her father, Prince Edward, Duke of Kent had been a spendthrift who lavished money he didn't have on a number of princely houses in London. His early death when the young princess was just seven months old left her mother in extreme difficulty, but she provided a cosy loving home in one of the more generous apartments at the palace. Research over the past few years has put to rest some of the more persistent historical myths of a cold, unhappy place, full of discipline and loneliness, and instead reveals an apartment full of colour and warmth, with pets, music and parties. This research has guided the representation of the rooms where Victoria grew up and the story which is not told of those early years. This talk will trace some of that research, which reveals the young Queen Victoria in a new light.

How to book: All enquiries to Caroline Jacobs jacobscme@gmail.com tel: 07988 171 708

Price: Associate membership: £10 per year. Talks free to national HA members and students, visitors £3.

Tel: 07988 171 708

Email: jacobscme@gmail.com

Website: https://www.facebook.com/HistoricalAssociationIW

Organiser: Caroline Jacobs

Lecturer: Lee Prosser, Historic Buildings Curator, Historic Royal Palaces

Region: South-East England

Branch: Isle of Wight

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