Living on Borrowed Time – the British Raj in India

Event Type: Branch

Takes Place: 10th October 2024

Time: 7.30pm

Venue: Newport Minster, St Thomas’ Square, NEWPORT, IW PO30 1BG,

Description: The Victorian Raj in India cultivated its image of power and omniscience with great care: all Europeans were expected to uphold the image of innate western superiority, exhibited in western technology and British military might. Yet the reality was very different: not only was an increasingly vocal nationalist movement growing rapidly, but the very success of British rule contributed to its growing redundancy. The British were living on borrowed time – and, increasingly, they knew it.

Price: Talks free to national HA members and students, visitors £3



Organiser: Historical Association Isle of Wight Branch

Lecturer: Dr Sean Lang, Senior Lecturer in History, Anglia Ruskin University

Region: South-East England

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